Hi everyone. I am trying hard to post something on a regular basis, but it's been pretty crazy and pretty difficult to post something every day, so a posting once every two days or so will have to do.
Last night while I was in the shower, I began thinking about confidence. What makes me feel confident and the areas that I am lacking in confidence. One of the places where I feel very confident is at work. I really enjoy my job and I'm good at it. I connect well with the kids and foster parents I work with and, after years of listening to my friends (and random strangers in different lines) I have honed my skills and I feel I am able to really help those who want to be helped. So I had a big boost to my confidence this week when I was promoted. I am now a "lead clinician". What that means is that my supervisor, who is moving into a new position herself, has enough faith in me that she feels I can handle running the foster care piece of our office. My friend was also promoted and he will be running the outpatient counseling piece. I am really excited about this because it gives me a chance to grow and I feel I am ready to take on this challenge. Or so I thought... Last night, doubt started nagging my brain and all the old negative talk came back in full force. I found myself thinking, "what have you gotten into?" "You're not supervisory material, what were they thinking?" This line of thinking along with all the negative stuff I tell myself about the way I look just flooded over me and, for a moment there, I felt just awful. I felt like I wasn't worth anything and it was really sad. Then I looked at myself in the mirror and said STOP! This is stupid! I am a 38 year old woman and I have accomplished a lot in my life. I have a masters degree. I am a licensed mental health counselor. I have been out on my own for 13 years and have been able to make it, even when times were really tough. I have friends and family who love me and support me. Why did I want to make a good thing bad? Why is it that I constantly doubt myself? I know I have the ability to do whatever I put my mind to, so why beat myself up? Because it is easy. It is easy to be negative and believe the worst because I won't be disappointed. If I'm negative, I'm already doomed to fail, where if I'm positive and it doesn't work out, then I have to deal with the aftermath. Well, screw that. I can be a good supervisor. I can do well in my job. And, dammit, I can lose weight. It is not going to be easy, nothing good ever is, but if I continue to take the easy way out and be negative, I will never get anywhere.
So my goal now is to focus on the positive, no matter how hard that is. I will stop doing things the easy way and really work on building my confidence. I'm already feeling better after writing this because I am beginning to see some of the roadblocks that have detained me from reaching my goals. I know negative thoughts will come into my head from time to time and I will deal with that, but I will not allow them to keep me from doing what I want to do!
So, to any of you who are striving to make changes in your lives, build up that confidence. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to!
Oh that ugly sabatore inside is trying to ruin you, we ALL have one...but why? When did you start using that sabatore and how did it help you manage a difficult situation in your life? Find the answer to your sabatore so you can rid yourself of it completely:)))