Friday, October 21, 2011

My Second Job?

Good morning everyone.  It is currently 9:50am here in Florida and I am wondering why I am still awake.  This may sound a little strange, but since I work from 10:30pm to 7:00am it is strange for me to be up at this time.  The fact is that I just finished a phone interview for a position within the company I currently work for and I'm a little keyed up, and since I haven't posted a new blog for this week, I decided to write.

I am going to brag about two people that I know and love, my sister and brother-in-law.  At the beginning of the year, my sister and brother-in-law decided they wanted to get healthy and lose weight.  So, with some support, they changed their diets and started exercising.  Now for the bragging part, so far my brother-in-law has lost 164 pounds and my sister has lost about 100 pounds.  I cannot tell you how proud I am of them and how much of an inspiration they have been to me!

I bring this up because I was talking to my sister last week about her weight loss and she told me that others have said she's been an inspiration to them as well.  I asked her how she responds when people say that and she said, having a strong support system and exercise have been the keys to her success.  Since I've been in a bit of an exercise slump lately, I asked my sister what motivates her to exercise.  She said, "I look at it as a job.  I don't really want to do it, but I know I have to." 

I can't explain it, but that statement really hit me.  My sister works out five days a week and, by looking at it as a job, something she has to do, she actually does it.  Well, after talking with my sister, I got back to the gym and started weight training again.  I even managed to exercise after work, before going to bed.  So far I have worked out four days this week and I feel pretty great.  When I am struggling to get to the gym or to get out and run, I just think "This is my job.  I have no choice, I have to do this" and it works.  I know that I lose weight faster when I exercise, along with having more energy and feeling better about myself, thanks to the endorphins.  I even shared this wisdom during my Weight Watchers meeting on Monday and several people agreed that was a good way to motivate themselves to exercise.  So a big THANK YOU to my sister for helping me to get out of my exercise slump and a bit THANK YOU to both my sister and brother-in-law for continuing to motivate me with their successes.  I know if they can do it, I can too!

I did lose 1.6 pounds this week, so I've lost half of what I gained.  I am hoping to have lost the rest of the weight I recently gained plus some extra this coming week.  Also, the supervisory position I wrote about in a previous post fell through.  So I have a job at my current company until 12/30 and I am hoping to be hired for the position I interviewed for this morning, which is similar to what I am doing now, except working with the commercial EAP accounts.  If I do get this position, there is a possibility to move into a supervisory position at a later date.  Good thoughts, vibes, and prayers are welcomed and appreciated and I will keep you updated.

So, as the weather cools off and before it gets too cold, get outside and enjoy the fall (yes, fall has finally reached Florida.  It was 60 degrees out when I left work this morning!)  What motivates you?  If you'd like to share any motivating thoughts or sayings, please leave me a comment, I'd love to read them. :)

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