Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Outlook

Hello everyone. My last posting was a bit heavy. March has been a tough month and, now that it's over, I thought I would take on a different outlook. Also, it's spring and, as many friends have told me, it is a time for renewal. So with April on the horizon, I thought I would start looking at renewal.

The first place to start is with my attitude. Lately, I've been so into everything that I haven't done, bemoaning my current weight and financial status. Well, the time for moaning is over and the time for action is now.

First thing to tackle, the weight. I have decided to divorce Jenny Craig and take on the weight loss battle myself. I thought about how long I've been on the Jenny Craig program and how it just was not working for me. Let's face it, I started the program in 2001 and, nine years later, I still haven't reached my goal weight. Not that Jenny Craig is an awful program, it's not. It just wasn't working for me. I like to cook and eat real food. I got tired of eating the prepared meals and I have decided that I need to learn to eat healthy with regular food. I did learn some things from being in the Jenny Craig program. I learned what a healthy portion looks like and I learned that it is good to eat something every 3-4 hours so that I'm not starving when I sit down to eat a meal. So I will take what I've learned and apply it to my regular eating habits. I am also rejoining the YMCA and I am going to start working out like I use to.

In regards to my money, if I am eating food that I've prepared at home and cut down on eating out, I will help both my weight loss and save money! I am also going to pay attention to what I am spending and I am going to stop spending money I do not have. I've already started this and it is not as hard as I thought it was going to be.

So these are my renewal plans. They seem kind of simple, and I guess they are, but they will not be easy. I will keep all of you posted on how I'm doing. Who knows, maybe I'll develop my own healthy eating plan, sell it and make a lot of money. We'll see.... :)


  1. If you want some recipies, let me know. I could also lend you some cookbooks if you'd like.

  2. Don't forget to do the little stuff too....always take the stairs, park far from the entrance to the building, dance while you vacuum...
