Friday, December 25, 2009


I'd like to start this post out with an update on the weight loss. Since Thanksgiving I have lost 8 pounds. I have said good bye to the 260s, never to see them again. I really feel great and I actually feel like I am getting control over my eating. Don't get me wrong, the holidays continue to tempt me with sweat things, but I can have a little taste every now and again and not lose control. That is the big win! :)

Ok, last Saturday was not the best day for me. Actually, last week was not the best week for me. Stress, distractions, lack of motivation, and disappointments throughout the week culminated into a big crying fest on Saturday night. Now don't think I'm some big crybaby who falls apart every time things get challenging or don't go my way. This is not true. I am the type of person who lets things build up then watches a sappy movie, has a good cry, and feels a lot better. I like to refer to it as catharsis, which, according to the dictionary, is the Greek word for purification, purging, or cleansing. Anyone who has studied Ancient Greek theatre knows that tragedies were used to help purge or cleans the audience of their feelings. Those of you who have read or studied Oedipus know that the tragedy is used to move people to tears. Now a days melancholy dramas where either someone dies or someone has their heart broken (mostly someone dies) can bring people to tears and cause them to go through several boxes of tissues and end up with swollen red eyes and red noses (at least this has been my experience). The point is that things can become overwhelming and, when that happens, there has to be a release. I firmly believe that, if we didn't experience catharsis, whether it is through laughter or tears, we would probably explode. I think the Ancient Greeks were on to something here. So don't be afraid to cry (or laugh until you cry)!

Since it is now midnight (central time) I'd like to take this moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. May you all have a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas. I would also like to thank everyone who reads my blog. Your comments and support really mean a lot to me. :)

1 comment:

  1. What movie were you watching? Have you seen P.S. I love you? Very, very good, makes me cry every time.
