Thursday, September 22, 2011


Since tomorrow is the first day of fall and we are coming up on the end of September, I have been thinking a lot about the fall. The temperatures begin to drop. There is a crisp feeling in the air where you don't quite need a coat outside, but you need a sweatshirt or sweater. The leaves begin to change and thoughts turn to Halloween and Thanksgiving. Overall, this is my favorite time of year. Or at least it was until I moved to Florida, the place where fall doesn't exist.

Ok, I know my friends who live in the north are probably going to tell me to stop whining because Florida is a great place to live in the winter. Which is true. The problem is that I've been dealing with hot and humid weather since the end of April and, by the time October gets here, I'm really tired of it. It should not be 90+ degrees with 100% humidity in October. Also, the leaves don't change color down here and by the time October comes, I'm tired of having my house closed up and running the air conditioner.

Yes, I am complaining. October has always been one of my favorite months. I can remember as a child, breaking out my favorite sweaters and planning my Halloween costume. As I got older, there were bonfires and sweatshirts and that invigorating feeling of the seasons changing.

I don't feel that now. Now I just feel the anticipation of when the heat will break. I've been living in Florida for 11 years and you'd think I'd be use to it by now. But I'm not. Every October I become nostalgic for crisp weather, changing leaves, hay rides, and cold Halloweens. Thank you all for letting me whine a bit and wax nostalgic for a bit.

What is your favorite season? Or any thoughts on Fall? Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you. Happy Fall!  


  1. fall is definitely tops for me as far as seasons go. The jeans, sweaters, long sleeves shirts . . . LOVE THEM ALL! I know for a fact I could never live in Florida (we made the mistake of taking 2 trips to Disney in hot hot weather and have vowed NEVER again! Here's wishing some cooler days for you, my friend!

  2. I feel you, I missed fall so much when I lived in Florida.
